Your home should function as a training lair.
A sanctuary to develop your physique & grit.
A domain custom made to your tastes, bespoke:
Music & Ambience
What’s the alternative?
Burning money on commercial, sterile gyms?
Where you’re having to navigate through the swarm of tripod & Tiktok influencers?
With the screech of the ‘hottest’ tracks, subconsciously programming your mind to the degeneracy of modern society?
The ONLY gyms that are worth going to now are:
Luxury gyms (however I have not seen a single person train hard in these facilities & I train at one of the best ones on the planet).
Performance Gyms where there are legitimate professional athletes & athletic equipment.
Martial Arts Gyms to develop & sharpen your hand to hand combat skills.
The reality is most of you reading this will not have access to options 1 &2.
So instead, you’re better of investing in hard assets & building a training facility of your own. Build your own Batcave.
What I am going to share with you are what I deem to be the staples of building your own Batcave & what equipment to invest in - but before we cover this, the biggest benefit to setting this up?
No commutes or annoying travel times.
You can do micro stim sessions throughout the day if you work from home.
It allows you to blitz through 15-20 minute sessions if you are in a time crunch.
If you’re flooded with business work.
If you have kids to look after.
If life is getting in the way.
Having a training lair at home equalises & nullifies all of these bottlenecks.
It takes me 30 seconds to walk from my office to my gym.
I literally have 0 excuse & if I don’t train, Its purely out of laziness, not because it’s a 20 minute drive away.
When you have a hectic & busy life, efficiency is everything.
And having all of your equipment all in one place, is the most efficient setup possible.
Do not buy cheap shit. You will regret it.
Each piece you purchase is an investment. The better quality items you buy, the higher the resell value, if you do decide to part ways with it.
It’s a no brainer. It’s why people invest in Rolex’s & Jaeger Lecoultre & not CASIOs for their resell value.
If you look after your equipment, it will last you a lifetime.
Let’s get into the essentials….
For the vast majority of you SPACE is going to be the limitation you have at home.
Getting a full squat rack is going to take up 1/3 of your facility so I suggest option for a half rack option.
This allows you to:
Pull Up & Chin Up
Rack Pulls & Romanian Deadlift Setups
All of these lifts are part the ‘Lethal Gentleman Standards’ - which you can check out here.
Barbells are a staple for developing compound exercises & have so much versatility when applied to a home training facility.
Invest in a solid olympic barbell (20kg/45lb).
Either brand new, or from FB marketplace where you can scoop up an elite deal (particularly if you are in the US).
The most reputable brands:
American Barbell
You can’t go wrong with either of these choices.
These are the most versatile as you can throw them around & not worry about anything, however the limitation will be as you get stronger, you won’t have any room on the bar to fit all of the bumpers.
This option allows you to buy weights second hand, and can be an important investment for those of you that are very strong & require 300+ lbs of weight on the bar.
These have the versatility of being dropped as they are designed for olympic lifting, are calibrated accurately & are an aesthetic choice for a home setting.
The most cost effective dumbbells are rubber hex dumbbells.
Some people like to use adjustable dumbbells, but they do not have the durability that hex dumbbells provide & they’re incredibly annoying to setup.
Dumbbells like the ones above can’t be thrown around & overtime in my experience and after reading tonnes of reviews, the mechanisms seem to break after 6 months - 1 year.
You can pick up a set of hex dumbbells very affordably, and can constantly buy heavier sets as you need (as you get stronger).
This is an essential investment for all of your pressing & pulling exercises.
The reason I suggest adjustable is so that you can work incline variations of multiple chest, back & arm isolation lifts.
Do not skimp out on a cheap adjustable bench, it will snap when you are moving solid weight (which is the last thing you want to do & is incredibly dangerous).
If it feels flimsy & that it would break when using any weight of 225lb, get a better one.
This is one of the best home gym investments due to it’s versatility.
Cable machines often double up as a chin up / pull up apparatus, and there are so many isolation techniques you can use and load up such as:
Rotator cuff
Hip Rotator Cuff
Bicep & Tricep
Lat & Mid Back
Groin & Glutes
Life fitness is my favourite brand & I personally have this stack setup at home. If you are patient you can find killer deals on FB Marketplace or Craigslist if you keep an eye on it (usually gyms that selling these).
There’s a reason why there are so many of these found at ALL high performance facilities (NFL, NBA, English Premier League etc).
They are such a versatile piece of equipment for home & the number of core, groin, hamstring & back exercises you can do on this is unparalleled.
You can truly develop a kevlar trunk simply using a GHD and investing time into progressively overloading using barbells, kettlebells & dumbbells.
This is hands down the best piece of cardio equipment ever invented. Hands down.
No matter your training level, you can push incredibly hard.
It’s perfect for high intensity interval training.
Developing an elite gas tank & VO2 Max.
To use for low intensity cardio in the intiial stages of an injury.
For ribcage mobility and rotational mobility.
The list goes on.
Rogue Echo Bikes are by far the best made & most durable.
I would deem this an absolute must for anyone serious about curating an elite training facility at home.
Kettlebells are a tool that have been used, particularly by soviet elite athlete’s for decades.
You can use them for power based exercises (kettlebell swings & olympic variations).
For rotator cuff exercises (specific pressing & overhead work)
For carries & even core training.
If I were to build my facility again I’d probably invest MORE in kettlebells over dumbbells, just because of how many different use cases they have.
The ultimate power & cardio tool for Lethal Gentleman.
If you can fix this into a wall or roof, this is your best option.
Standing heavy bags or heavy bags that require a chunky frame, take up a lot of precious space for a home gym.
Whether you are wanting to work steady state conditioning, high intensity intervals, or you simply want something to smack the shit out of after a long hard day pushing through business challenges, the heavy bag is the crem de la crem of home gym equipment for the modern martial artist.
If you all are interested in learning about some of the more esoteric & bespoke equipment that you can invest in, let me know in the comments & if you have any additions you have to this setup.
I am currently getting a pool built as we speak so that clients with acute injuries can immediately start loading their injuries, as well as infrared saunas & other recovery modalities that give my guys a 1% edge on recovery.
Buying equipment that helps you become lethal is one of the best investments you can make in yourself, and overtime ends up being comparative to having a gym membership anyway.
Build your batcave. It’s one of the best investments into becoming a lethal gentleman.
Maybe a cobra bag or a heavy bag? I also have a wall mounted dip station and a few other variations of barbells (like trap bar and EZ bar). Also if you are buying a cable stations, you could buy a variety of grips handle for the cables for triceps and rowing. And don't forget a neck training contraption.
Love this article man! Any tips on training neck without some sort of head gear? Thank you.